John Alley explores the meaning of the name “Jesus”, which in the Hebrew language means “Jehovah with us”. John goes on to ably illustrate from the Scriptures the origins of the name Jehovah, or Yahweh, drawing parallels between the attributes of Yahweh, or God, and Jesus. John makes mention of the fact that the Old Testament speaks of Yahweh but in every New Testament reference to the very same prophecies and scriptures it becomes “the Lord”. John shows from Bible references that Jesus Himself says that He is “I Am”. In fact, says John, the wonderful name of Jesus is the full revelation of the name Yahweh. In this message is a wealth of meaning and significance regarding Scripture fulfilled and the plurality and eternal nature of the Trinity.
Jesus - The Name!!
John Alley
December 18, 2016 • John Alley
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Weekly Messages 2016