
Battle with Good & Evil—Without and Within

Air Date: June 12th & 13th

We need to be aware of the battle taking place within us and around us, and the authority we have through Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the conflict between good and evil and the way it has infiltrated the Church, our culture, and ourselves. He points out several ways good and evil presents itself in the Bible and our world today. Each generation must decide whether they will honor the Lord, and we are no different. To follow God means actively seeking Him and being willing to engage in what He’s doing in the earth. Choosing to align ourselves with God gives us access to His authority, which has power over evil. Instead of pushing aside biblical doctrine to appease our culture, let’s determine to seek God, honor His Word, and live.

Let's Please God

Let's please God. Making that statement the focus of our lives will cause the troubles of this world to dim as we engage in the specific assignments God has for us each day. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about the freedom that comes from choosing to please the Lord in each decision we make. Our tendency is to please men or fit in with the culture. This is nothing new; we see examples of this behavior throughout the Bible. The truth is that our choices either please the Lord—or they don’t. There is no middle ground. Let’s be a generation that’s defined by our willingness to please God.

Let's Please God - Money Matters

Here’s a clear action plan that will help us navigate what’s ahead: Let’s please God. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about some of the difficulties we’re facing as a nation, then offers a pathway toward contentment and peace: making consistent choices that please God. If we allow it, God will use our daily lives to influence, encourage, bless, and bring truth to the people around us—changing hearts, lives, and ultimately our nation. To know how to please God, we need to be familiar with His character and His Word. Pastor Allen offers biblical insight on what pleasing God looks like when it comes to money. When we focus on pleasing God, it opens our lives to His power, every place we go.

America - Restored or Rebuked

God is dealing with His people in our nation, and we can't afford to ignore it. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses issues the United States currently faces including lawlessness, illegal immigration, censorship, and division, and the role of God’s people in the face of this adversity. Our primary allegiance must always be to God’s eternal Kingdom, not an earthly nation, yet God has called us to stand in this time, in this place, for His purposes. Pastor Allen discusses the value of work, the paralyzing effects of fear, and the importance of living out our faith, exactly where God placed us.