
Freedom Through the Cross

Air Date: April 24th & 25th

In times of uncertainty or stress, being firmly grounded in the fundamentals makes a difference. Pastor Allen Jackson reminds us of three things that will bring stability to our lives in every season: understanding the significance of the cross of Jesus Christ; believing that God’s truth is real, unchanging, and essential for a healthy life; and being a person of praise.

Israel, the Church and the Nations

September 25, 2021

Why is it important to pray for Jerusalem and the peace of Israel? Pastor Allen Jackson explains the unique roles that Israel, the Church, and the nations play in establishing God’s Kingdom on the Earth. God created an everlasting covenant with the Jewish people, promising blessings to those who support Israel, and curses to those who come against it. Pastor Allen uses scripture to explain why it’s in our best interest to intentionally love, pray, and care for Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people—and offers tools to help us get started.

Freedom From Worry - Listening to Jesus

In his four-part series, "Freedom Fom Worry," Pastor Allen addresses the topic of worry and its effects on our lives. In Matthew 6 - 25-34, Jesus tells us four times not to worry. Worry was as much a part of people's lives in Jesus' time as it is today. Yet, Jesus is still commanding us to not worry, but to trust in the Lord. In a time when worry, anxiety and fear are epidemic in our society, Pastor Allen stresses the fact that worry is a sin that will, in time, erode God's best or our lives. Worry and faith are directly related. Giving in to our worries causes us to believe what WE think, feel and believe over what God says, thinks, and has for us. This makes a god out of ourselves and strangles our faith, leaving us weak and unable to stand. Thankfully, Pastor Allen reassures us that if Jesus tells us not to do something, He has also given us the power not do it. That power comes in our ability to have a greater awareness of eternity. By embraing the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can have the power, love, and peace of mind that God provides for us. This transfer of trust that must take place in order for us to gain freedom from worry can only occur through time spent daily with the Lord, forgivenes of others, letting go of our past failures, and allowing ourselves to dream.

Freedom From Worry - Embracing God's Provision

In his four-part series, "Freedom Fom Worry," Pastor Allen addresses the topic of worry and its effects on our lives. In Matthew 6 - 25-34, Jesus tells us four times not to worry. Worry was as much a part of people's lives in Jesus' time as it is today. Yet, Jesus is still commanding us to not worry, but to trust in the Lord. In a time when worry, anxiety and fear are epidemic in our society, Pastor Allen stresses the fact that worry is a sin that will, in time, erode God's best or our lives. Worry and faith are directly related. Giving in to our worries causes us to believe what WE think, feel and believe over what God says, thinks, and has for us. This makes a god out of ourselves and strangles our faith, leaving us weak and unable to stand. Thankfully, Pastor Allen reassures us that if Jesus tells us not to do something, He has also given us the power not do it. That power comes in our ability to have a greater awareness of eternity. By embraing the gift of the Holy Spirit, we can have the power, love, and peace of mind that God provides for us. This transfer of trust that must take place in order for us to gain freedom from worry can only occur through time spent daily with the Lord, forgivenes of others, letting go of our past failures, and allowing ourselves to dream.