
Day 9 - Agreement

January 9, 2024 • Chris White • Matthew 18:19–20

The prayer type today is agreement, and the prompt is for married couples. We will pray in agreement with all married couples to embrace freedom over our wounds and strongholds.

We encourage you today to find someone else to pray with. This is the power of agreement!

Let’s pray: Lord, we join in prayer today with all married couples as they look to You first. We pray that they will realize You provide all they need to be the husband, wife, mother, or father that You have called them to be. Lord, You have spoken this calling to be married, and we believe that You equip all that You call.

We agree in prayer today for two specific areas.

·      First, we speak against the lie of comparison with other marriages or families and agree for the faith to find identity not in what others think but in their faithfulness to You and each other.

·      Next, we agree with each and every married person that says today that, “You are on the throne of my life, not my spouse or my children.”

We agree today for healed and restored marriages and free and flourishing families in Jesus’ name.

“…if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two are three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” (Matthew 18: 19-20)

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