
Day 13 - Silence

January 13, 2024 • Adam Farrell • Psalm 46:10

The prayer type today is silence, and the prompt is for married couples. We will spend time quieting our soul in order to just be with God and trust Him to care for marriages today.

Bring the following thoughts and prayers to God on behalf of married couples and trust Him to hold and handle each of these needs.

Lord, would You help all those who are married to give up the “rights” to those things they feel entitled to? Help them to embrace sacrifice over selfishness in the following areas:

·      Elevate the needs of their spouse over their own desires

·      Dying to their own comforts for the sake of their spouse or family.

·      Saving money for something the other wants to do instead of spending on their own desires

·      Remaining faithful to their spouse no matter the temptation

·      Saying something kind instead of picking a fight or being critical

·      Being committed to honesty, vulnerability, and communication in their home

Spend 5-10 minutes in a still, silent posture. When distractions come, just acknowledge them and refocus on being still. When you are ready, pray the following:

Lord, we use this time of silence to be near You and to trust these marriages to You. We believe that You will speak to them and shift hearts where necessary. We know that You are the only one that can soften hearts and reveal areas of challenge. Thank You for working on their behalf today.

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

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