
Day 11 - Praying Scripture

January 11, 2024 • Stephanie Mau • Psalm 37:25, Philippians 4:19

The prayer type today is praying Scripture, and the prompt is for legacy believers. We will pray the Word together on behalf of those in the legacy stage to embrace trust in God’s provision over fear of the future.

Today, we pray for those who are in later stages of life to trust God as Provider. We pray they relinquish the need to have more than necessary out of fear of not having enough. Lord, would You help them be generous in every season and not fall into the trap of being the source of their own security. Remind them who You are, Father, and increase their faith to believe in You.

With that general petition in mind, pray these two Scriptures today by inserting the names of anyone that God brings to your heart.

“I was young and now I’m old, yet I have never seen the righteous one forsaken nor His children begging for bread.” (Psalm 37:25)

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

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