
Day 14 - Surrender

January 14, 2024 • Grace Keller

The prayer type today is surrender, and the prompt is for singles. We will pray that all of us, especially singles, will be able to yield to truth as revealed in the Word over false mindsets.

Let’s Pray: Lord, we all have trouble at times surrendering to Your ways over our own. Culture teaches us to choose what feels right to us instead of what is objectively true according to Your Word. Our flesh often willingly agrees. This is especially challenging for our single friends who battle things like dating, financial responsibilities, and feeling isolated in a world that caters to families.

We pray for all single people right now, and especially these (speak out the names of singles you know), to embrace Biblical truth in all areas of life and resist the temptation to create their own truth based on feelings. We pray for surrendered hearts that will allow You to shape each one according to Your purposes and plans.


We also surrender our own desire to create truth according to our own understanding and feelings. We yield to You, Father, even when it’s hard or when we don’t understand Your ways. We trust You with our lives and the lives of those we’re praying for today.

Prayer of Surrender as a daily posture: “Lord I surrender my whole life to you, the past, the present, and the future. I surrender to your tender care for my body, my mind, my soul, and my whole life by relinquishing my rights to be Lord over my own destiny.” (Unknown author)

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