
Day 8 - Forgiveness

January 8, 2024 • Amanda Beggs • Ephesians 4:31–32

The prayer type today is forgiveness, and the prompt is for those who have experienced divorce. We pray for the grace of forgiveness as we embrace freedom over bitterness, anger, and offense.


Forgiveness is one of the most difficult areas to navigate as a follower of Jesus. We all have accumulated hurts and even deep trauma that have wounded our souls. Forgiveness provides an opportunity to give that pain to Jesus to hold because we are unable to hold it ourselves. When we forgive, we also release those who have hurt us and free ourselves from the roots of bitterness that inevitably come when we hold debts in our heart.

Today, we pray for those who have experienced the pain of divorce. Let the Lord lead your prayer, but these are some areas to begin.

·      For anger, hurt, bitterness

·      For blaming, resentment, and disappointment

·      For the effects on the whole family

·      For grief and a loss of dreams

Lord, would You bring each one to a place of authentic forgiveness and allow him/her to release all involved from any debt that they are holding. Lord, You can restore all hearts and all dreams as we trust You to bring peace and healing in the places that we surrender to You.


Think of your own life now. Who is the person that you need to forgive? Where are you holding onto pain that only Jesus is capable of holding and healing? Ask Him to help you speak forgiveness and release that debt today. Don’t wait…let the journey of freedom begin today.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” (Ephesians 4:31-32).

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