
Day 3 - Gratitude

January 3, 2024 • LaMonica Drake • 1 Thessalonians 5:18

The prayer type today is gratitude, and the prompt is for those in the legacy demographic. We pray for gratitude as legacy believers embrace giving themselves away to younger believers.


Let’s Pray: God, we thank You for the long obedience of faithful followers in the legacy stage of life. Thank You for using them over the years to encourage and support the body of Christ.

We ask today, Lord, to cultivate in them a heart that doesn’t hold onto their own thinking and ways of faith but would listen to and believe in those of the next generation. We pray that You stir a hunger in them to raise up a younger person to carry the flame of faith. We need mothers and fathers in the faith. God, would You help them to count it all joy to generously give away all they have in You. Grow their gratitude for the years of blessing and increased faith and wisdom that has developed over a consistent journey with You.

Today, whether you are in the legacy demographic or not, would you take some time and speak your own words of gratitude to God. Spend five minutes listing things to be grateful for. Make this a daily habit in your life. Gratitude changes hearts!

“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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