
Day 2 - Blessing

January 2, 2024 • Shannon Libengood • Romans 12:14

The prayer type today is blessing, and the prompt is for those who are single. We pray that singles speak blessing as they embrace grace for others over criticism and offense.

Let’s Pray: Lord, today we pray for single people to bless those who have caused them pain or frustration.

Here are some specific areas of struggle that you can bring to the Lord on behalf of all singles.

·      Bless those who have different values

·      Bless those of a different political party

·      Bless those we perceive to have low tolerance…or too high of a tolerance

·      Bless those who have devalued them

·      Bless those who have spoken lies over them

·      Bless those who don’t value or understand singleness

Even as we pray for singles, we all have the need to practice blessing others. Think of those people in your life that have hurt you in any way or that simply irritate you. Take the time to name the person and the offense and bless that person anyway. It will free your own heart and possibly even change it.

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.” (Romans 12:14)

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