
Day 5 - Listening Prayer

January 5, 2024 • Jeremiah Zemet • John 10:27

The prayer type today is listening prayer and the prompt is for married couples. We use listening prayer to encourage spouses to put Jesus first, over self and spouse/family.

Let’s Pray: Lord, we pray in a special way for married couples and families today. Show each one where they have prioritized anything over You, even their families.

Take some time right now to quiet your spirit. Close your eyes and focus on Jesus…in your mind, try to imagine looking Jesus in the eyes. Ask Him to show you how to pray for a married couple that you know. Be still and wait… Maybe He will give you a thought, a picture, a Bible verse, or a memory. The things that come to mind will often show you how to begin praying. Let the Holy Spirit lead your prayer from there.

Jesus, thank You for speaking to us about those we know who are married. Help them to let go of the lie that their spouse and kids are their first priority and help them find their identity and purpose in You, not the activities they participate in or even the relationships they have. Speak to their hearts and help them to find time and desire to listen to You above all other voices.


Listen for His voice in your own life today too. As you remain in a quiet space with Jesus, ask Him what He wants to tell you today. Make sure to write down what He says! This is how you practice learning to hear the voice of God. The more you practice, the clearer His voice becomes.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)

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