
Day 4 - Adoration

January 4, 2024 • Josh Farrell

The prayer type today is adoration, and the prompt is for those who have experienced divorce. We will worship and adore God as we encourage divorced men and women to worship You no matter the circumstances.

Let’s Pray: Lord, today we pray for those who have experienced the heartache of divorce. The pain, loss, and loneliness can be overwhelming, so Lord comfort them and help each one to remember who You are and what You’ve promised to every son and daughter. You promised that You would be with us, that we would never be alone, that You would bind up our wounds. So, we ask God that every person who has felt this pain would turn to You and begin to worship. Help them, Jesus, fill the voids in their heart with You instead of busyness, activity, or even bitterness. Help them to keep coming to You as fears and disappointment arise, knowing that You can and will meet every need of their heart.

Choose one of these songs to worship with (or both) and just adore Him for who He is and for His goodness, no matter what.

Alleluia, Jesus Culture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytQNA5LSiFY

The Goodness of God, Cece Winans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sE5kEnitqE

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