
Day 6 - Intercession

January 6, 2024 • Dave D'Angelo • James 5:16

The prayer type today is intercession, and the prompt is for singles. We intercede today on behalf of all single people for strength and hope for every challenge.

Singles have unique challenges, and we commit today to stand in the gap for the needs of this group. Ask the Lord to lead your prayer and bring to mind the ways that we can fight on their behalf in prayer. Here are some common challenging areas:

·      Anxiety/Depression

·      Belonging/Value

·      Loneliness

·      Fear (including fear of the future)

·      Carrying life’s responsibilities on their own

·      Sickness

·      Job struggles

Let’s Pray: Lord, we stand in the gap for our friends to meet these and all challenges of their hearts. Speak a word today to each heart that looks to You. Speak Your vision over their lives and strengthen their legs to walk this season with courage and be filled with joy. We trust You….

Look at that list above. These are things that we all struggle with. So, if the Lord brings anyone to your mind that might be dealing with some of these struggles, pray for them too. Intercession should be a daily habit where we fight on behalf of the whole body of Christ.

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” (James 5:16)

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