
Day 1 - Repentance

January 1, 2024 • Tony Cenname • Acts 3:19

The prayer type today is repentance, and the prompt is for married couples. We pray for repentance as married couples embrace humility over pride.


Let’s pray: Lord, help married couples become aware of the places in their relationship that need repentance and help them not to be too afraid or prideful to say “I’m sorry…please forgive me” to both You and their spouse. Help them, Lord, to be committed to changing those hurtful behaviors to allow their spouse and their marriage to flourish.

Here are some specific areas that are common struggles. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray in your own words for these struggles or any others that come to mind:

·      Listening to a spouse instead of needing to always be right

·      Believing the best in each other rather than picking up unnecessary offenses

·      Working for good solutions by honoring each other’s perspectives and opinions

·      Judging each other

·      Acting in anger toward each other or belittling each other

We pray for all married people today to be quick to repent and to be committed to change where necessary. Amen.


Take a look at your own life today too (whether married or not) and ask God to reveal where you need to repent, including the part about changing MY behavior where needed!

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” (Acts 3:19)

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