
The Kingdom

The Kingdom

August 28, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

The Kingdom of GOD is an incredible topic to consider. Not just for a few weeks, but for every day of our lives. This is who we are, HIS Kingdom people. And this is what we are about, JESUS and His Kingdom. As we continue looking at the Kingdom of GOD there is a truth that you and I need to be reminded of. Even though GOD'S Kingdom is here, present, even now ... it is not here in its fullest sense. And here is a promise, the Kingdom is coming, the full Kingdom, the entirety of the Kingdom. The perfect, complete Kingdom is coming and you and I Christian, have a stake in that place.

The Kingdom

August 28, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

The Kingdom of GOD is an incredible topic to consider. Not just for a few weeks, but for every day of our lives. This is who we are, HIS Kingdom people. And this is what we are about, JESUS and His Kingdom. As we continue looking at the Kingdom of GOD there is a truth that you and I need to be reminded of. Even though GOD'S Kingdom is here, present, even now ... it is not here in its fullest sense. And here is a promise, the Kingdom is coming, the full Kingdom, the entirety of the Kingdom. The perfect, complete Kingdom is coming and you and I Christian, have a stake in that place.

The Kingdom

August 21, 2022 • Scott Perreault

Good morning everyone! Today we continue looking at aspects and responsibilities of and in the kingdom of God. From Matt Hallmark: "It's a steadily deepening and growing belief and faith that includes continual repentance and results in a life increasingly submitted to the Lordship of Christ. If true faith is present, obedience will also be present. If obedience is not present, then professors of faith are deceiving themselves. Good things like church attendance, giving money, being a leader in a church, leading or participating in a ministry or doing something else in a church or ministry does not mean that a person is going to heaven. When Paul says for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, what he's saying is "how about we have a little humility here, because God doesn't owe us anything." When Jesus said that only those who do the Father's will are the ones who will go to heaven, He does not mean that doing good works or deeds are necessary in order to go to heaven. The message of the gospels and the rest of the New Testament is that those who are going to heaven will produce those good works as a response after they become believers.

The Kingdom

August 21, 2022 • Scott Perreault

Good morning everyone! Today we continue looking at aspects and responsibilities of and in the kingdom of God. From Matt Hallmark: "It's a steadily deepening and growing belief and faith that includes continual repentance and results in a life increasingly submitted to the Lordship of Christ. If true faith is present, obedience will also be present. If obedience is not present, then professors of faith are deceiving themselves. Good things like church attendance, giving money, being a leader in a church, leading or participating in a ministry or doing something else in a church or ministry does not mean that a person is going to heaven. When Paul says for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, what he's saying is "how about we have a little humility here, because God doesn't owe us anything." When Jesus said that only those who do the Father's will are the ones who will go to heaven, He does not mean that doing good works or deeds are necessary in order to go to heaven. The message of the gospels and the rest of the New Testament is that those who are going to heaven will produce those good works as a response after they become believers.

The Kingdom

August 14, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

The Kingdom

August 14, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

The Kingdom

August 7, 2022 • Scott Perreault

The Value of what you're doing, or supposed to be doing right now, is kingdom-sized, even if you don't realize it! If your heart has been broken, you are doing kingdom work by taking the next step. If your future is uncertain, you are doing kingdom work by believing the best is yet to come. If your life has been turned upside down, you are doing kingdom work by trusting that the seatbelt of faith holding you fast will do its job. Thats all part of increasing what God has given you. Out entire lives are dedicated to being prepared to not only experience the kingdom of heaven, but to play a vital role in it. Here are the things you need to know fo this week: 1. Thing #1: The kingdom of Heaven is a _____-and-difficult-to-describe-beyond-our-wildest-dreams valuable. 2. Thing #2: The kingdom of Heaven is an opportunity for you to _____ with God in this life, which is ______ you to live your best life in the next.

The Kingdom

August 7, 2022 • Scott Perreault

The Value of what you're doing, or supposed to be doing right now, is kingdom-sized, even if you don't realize it! If your heart has been broken, you are doing kingdom work by taking the next step. If your future is uncertain, you are doing kingdom work by believing the best is yet to come. If your life has been turned upside down, you are doing kingdom work by trusting that the seatbelt of faith holding you fast will do its job. Thats all part of increasing what God has given you. Out entire lives are dedicated to being prepared to not only experience the kingdom of heaven, but to play a vital role in it. Here are the things you need to know fo this week: 1. Thing #1: The kingdom of Heaven is a _____-and-difficult-to-describe-beyond-our-wildest-dreams valuable. 2. Thing #2: The kingdom of Heaven is an opportunity for you to _____ with God in this life, which is ______ you to live your best life in the next.

The Kingdom

July 24, 2022 • Brian Grubbs • Matthew 3:2, John 18:36, Romans 2:4

When we stop and look at those two statements we discover two amazing truths, truths that would be great if we would heed. First, repentance is needed in order to enter into the Kingdom of GOD and secondly, HIS Kingdom is so different than the kingdoms that one finds in this life. Phew! What a way to start. Change and Different. May we be noticeably different people when this study is complete.

The Kingdom

July 24, 2022 • Brian Grubbs • Matthew 3:2, John 18:36, Romans 2:4

This morning, we begin a brand-new series. Simply titled, "The Kingdom!" One of the things that we will be discovering is that when we read of "The Kingdom go GOD" and "The kingdom of Heaven" they are synonymous, there is a familiar ring between the two. Much of JESUS' teaching on "The Kingdom" is found in what we know of as the parables in Matthew, Mark and Luke. JESUS' very first teaching on the kingdom is seen in Matthew 3:2, "Repent, for he kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" and one of HIS last teachings is found in John 18:36 as JESUS stands before Pilate, "MY kingdom is not of this world. If MY kingdom were of this world, MY servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But MY Kingdom is not from this world." When we stop and look at those two statements we discover two amazing truths, truths that would be great if we would heed. First, repentance is needed in order to enter into the Kingdom of GOD and secondly, HIS Kingdom is so different than the kingdoms that one finds in this life. Phew! What a way to start. Change and Different. May we be noticeably different people when this study is complete.

The Kingdom

July 31, 2022 • Brian Grubbs • Psalm 8:1–4

Psalm 8:1-4, "O LORD, how majestic is YOUR name in all the earth! YOU have set YOUR glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants, YOU have established strength because of YOUR foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. 3 When I look at YOUR heavens, the work of YOUR fingers, the moon and the stars which YOU have set in place, 4 what is man that YOU are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?" Have you ever just stopped to consider GOD and how awesome HE really is? HE is perfect with no flaw to be found in HIM. HE breathes universes into being. HE is amazing to say the least. And our GOD has given us who are HIS, a Kingdom. A Kingdom unlike any other. And this morning we are going to discover a key of what HIS Kingdom and now ours, is about.

The Kingdom

July 31, 2022 • Brian Grubbs

Have you ever just stopped to consider GOD and how awesome HE really is? HE is perfect with no flaw to be found in HIM. HE breathes universes into being. HE is amazing to say the least. And our GOD has given us who are HIS, a Kingdom. A Kingdom unlike any other. And this morning we are going to discover a key of what HIS Kingdom and now ours, is about.