
The Kingdom


August 7, 2022 • Scott Perreault

The Value of what you're doing, or supposed to be doing right now, is kingdom-sized, even if you don't realize it! If your heart has been broken, you are doing kingdom work by taking the next step. If your future is uncertain, you are doing kingdom work by believing the best is yet to come. If your life has been turned upside down, you are doing kingdom work by trusting that the seatbelt of faith holding you fast will do its job. Thats all part of increasing what God has given you.

Out entire lives are dedicated to being prepared to not only experience the kingdom of heaven, but to play a vital role in it. Here are the things you need to know fo this week:

1. Thing #1: The kingdom of Heaven is a _____-and-difficult-to-describe-beyond-our-wildest-dreams valuable.
2. Thing #2: The kingdom of Heaven is an opportunity for you to _____ with God in this life, which is ______ you to live your best life in the next.

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