
The Kingdom


August 21, 2022 • Scott Perreault

Good morning everyone! Today we continue looking at aspects and responsibilities of and in the
kingdom of God.

From Matt Hallmark: "It's a steadily deepening and growing belief and faith that includes continual
repentance and results in a life increasingly submitted to the Lordship of Christ. If true faith is
present, obedience will also be present. If obedience is not present, then professors of faith are
deceiving themselves.

Good things like church attendance, giving money, being a leader in a church, leading or participating in a ministry or doing something else in a church or ministry does not mean that a person is going to heaven. When Paul says for us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, what he's saying is "how about we have a little humility here, because God doesn't owe us anything." When Jesus said that only those who do the Father's will are the ones who will go to heaven, He does not mean that doing good works or deeds are necessary in order to go to heaven. The message of the gospels and the rest of the New Testament is that those who are going to
heaven will produce those good works as a response after they become believers.

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