

From Creation To Judgment Day

Judgment Day

October 4, 2020 • Bryan Finley

There should be absolutely no fear in the heart of a believer as they think about Judgment Day. The Jesus who forgave and saved us is the same Jesus who will be our judge! This is not a day to be dreaded, but instead, should be seen as a day of celebration and rewards!

The New Commandment

September 27, 2020 • Bryan Finley

There's only one commandment under the New Covenant, & it is superior to all previous commandments by lightyears. We have been made new creations in Christ who can spontaneously and powerfully show unconditional love for others because we have experienced God's unconditional love!

David's Covenant

Bryan Finley

God promised David that He would build a dynasty through his family line that would stretch throughout eternity. Jesus was the fulfillment of that promise, as He is now sitting on the throne of David in heaven, seeing His kingdom expand through His followers. This message explains why the New Testament makes such a big deal about Jesus being of the royal line of David. To understand this is to understand why we believe Jesus is the Messiah, not only of the Jews, but of the entire world!

Moses' Covenant Pt 2

Bryan Finley

In the ancient world, when a powerfully superior nation would conquer a lesser nation, they would implement something called a vassal covenant. This is the worst of http://covenants...full of obligations, slavery, threat of punishment & absolutely no benefits. When Moses died, Israel needed a covenant successor, and it was an opportunity for their former covenant with God to be evaluated. Upon evaluation, God institutes a vassal covenant with Joshua/Israel, which is described in great detail in Deuteronomy. From there on out, we see the devastating results of Israel's inability to be faithful to the covenant. God would use prophets to warn of judgment and use powerful nations as agents of that judgment. When God finally intervened, relieving Israel of their covenant by sending Jesus, He provided a way for Israel (& the rest of us) to be in relationship with God & only experience His favor & blessing. Not because of our covenant obedience, but by having faith in the one who faithfully fulfilled the law, the prophets & the sacrificial system, Jesus Christ!

Moses' Covenant

Bryan Finley

The ancient "Marcion heresy" was promoting the claim that the God of the Old Testament cannot possibly be the same God of the New Testament. That’s right, he was saying there were two separate gods. Marcion failed to understand covenants & failed to understand the nature of God. This message shows how Israel was offered an unconditional grant covenant, but refused it out of fear and instead, got locked into a kinship covenant with God. Get the full story and context here: Moses' Covenant!

Abraham's Covenant

Bryan Finley

To really grasp the new covenant of Jesus Christ, we must understand the covenants that came before it, as described in the Old Testament. This message not only explores the covenant of Abraham, proving how all of the promises made to Abraham (and Israel) have already been fulfilled, but also shows how we have become children of Abraham by faith, and recipients of God's promises!

Noahs Covenant

Bryan Finley

The well known covenant of Noah is symbolized in the rainbow, a sign of God's promise to never again destroy the world by a flood. Chapters 1-11 of Genesis are the context for the covenant that is made with Noah in Chapter 9. This is the first example of a "grant covenant" God makes with humans. One that requires nothing of the beneficiary. This "no-conditions" covenant is critical to understand the new covenant of Jesus Christ. So much more loaded into this critical teaching!!

Understanding Covenants

Bryan Finley

To understand the new covenant of Jesus Christ, you have to understand the concept of covenant as described in the Bible. This message is foundational in explaining the types of covenants in the Bible, and how the Bible is organized around five major covenants. Understand the covenants and you unlock an understanding of all of Scripture!

New Covenant Of Jesus

Bryan Finley

This is teaching on how the New Testament describes the purpose & function of the Old Covenant of Moses. The old is in no way whatsoever included in the new. Get all of the scriptural proof to understand the gospel of GRACE!