
Moses' Covenant Pt 2

Bryan Finley

In the ancient world, when a powerfully superior nation would conquer a lesser nation, they would implement something called a vassal covenant. This is the worst of covenants...full of obligations, slavery, threat of punishment & absolutely no benefits.

When Moses died, Israel needed a covenant successor, and it was an opportunity for their former covenant with God to be evaluated. Upon evaluation, God institutes a vassal covenant with Joshua/Israel, which is described in great detail in Deuteronomy.

From there on out, we see the devastating results of Israel's inability to be faithful to the covenant. God would use prophets to warn of judgment and use powerful nations as agents of that judgment.

When God finally intervened, relieving Israel of their covenant by sending Jesus, He provided a way for Israel (& the rest of us) to be in relationship with God & only experience His favor & blessing. Not because of our covenant obedience, but by having faith in the one who faithfully fulfilled the law, the prophets & the sacrificial system, Jesus Christ!

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