
Noahs Covenant

Bryan Finley

The well known covenant of Noah is symbolized in the rainbow, a sign of God's promise to never again destroy the world by a flood. Chapters 1-11 of Genesis are the context for the covenant that is made with Noah in Chapter 9. This is the first example of a "grant covenant" God makes with humans. One that requires nothing of the beneficiary. This "no-conditions" covenant is critical to understand the new covenant of Jesus Christ. So much more loaded into this critical teaching!!

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Judgment Day

October 4, 2020 • Bryan Finley

There should be absolutely no fear in the heart of a believer as they think about Judgment Day. The Jesus who forgave and saved us is the same Jesus who will be our judge! This is not a day to be dreaded, but instead, should be seen as a day of celebration and rewards!

The New Commandment

September 27, 2020 • Bryan Finley

There's only one commandment under the New Covenant, & it is superior to all previous commandments by lightyears. We have been made new creations in Christ who can spontaneously and powerfully show unconditional love for others because we have experienced God's unconditional love!

David's Covenant

Bryan Finley

God promised David that He would build a dynasty through his family line that would stretch throughout eternity. Jesus was the fulfillment of that promise, as He is now sitting on the throne of David in heaven, seeing His kingdom expand through His followers. This message explains why the New Testament makes such a big deal about Jesus being of the royal line of David. To understand this is to understand why we believe Jesus is the Messiah, not only of the Jews, but of the entire world!