
Resilience Part 3 | Spiritual Buoyancy


October 15, 2023 • Ps Ray Menchaca • Job 1:21, Daniel 3:17

Join pastor Ray Menchaca, as he teaches on Resilience and spiritual buoyancy.

Life can be a bit difficult and we may face certain situations, we ought to come back right up. We have been given the spirit of Christ to continue. It is understandable that life can knock us down but we need to learn resilience - even Jesus said we will have trouble in this world. 

The truth is we need resilience to continue in life. Sometimes when we suffer, our instinct is not resilience but to ask 'why'. We have 2 natural dispositions when things go wrong: Moralism and Cynicism.

Moralism: God why are you punishing me? I didn't pay my Tithe and that's why…

Moralism makes us think that if we do the right thing then we will get the right things. However, life doesn't work that way. Sometimes we suffer even when we do the right thing - suffering is inevitable.

Cynicism: when suffering happens we attribute it to our luck.

Both of these are spiritual dead ends. However, focusing on Jesus builds our resilience. He is our guide and He will always make a way. 

We find the perfect example of resilience in the story of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego. Their resilience and trust in God is a perfect example of how we should be - what our posture should be. 

We also see the same resilience in Job. He blesses God even though things are not going well. That is how we should be and even though it's tough to do that - we trust in God because we have been given the Holy Spirit to guide us. 

In Jesus we have the image of resilience and this is shown when the devil tried to tempt Him but He kept on overcoming him with the word of God - 'it is written'. We need to be anchored in the word of God to build resilience in us and help us overcome. 

We see this in the garden of Gethsemane as well. Though He was in agony, He still persevered, He showed resilience and because of Him we can be resilient.

So how can we grow and be resilient?

What not do do:

- Guard against becoming careless about Spiritual disciplines.

- Avoid becoming indifferent to other people

- Avoid being lazy about sin

What to do to build resilience:

- Have emotional realism 

- Understand that we are temporary custodians

- Have the end in mind

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