
Resilience Part 5 | Don't Give Up, Just Show Up!


October 29, 2023 • Megan McCleland • Hebrews 12:1–3, Matthew 6:9, 1 Corinthians 9:26, Hebrews 11:1–3

As we continue with our series on Resilience, Pastor Megan takes us through a journey of encouragement and not giving up in the Lord. 

Last week Pastor Bruce mentioned John 15: 4 which reminds us that we can't do anything apart from God, therefore we shouldn't even try. However, as humans, we sometimes try to do things by our own strength and we end up running dry and then we try to draw from our personal strength. However, it should not be like that - if we draw from Him, if we remain in Him, then we will have life - we won't run dry. 

As believers, we need to constantly tap into our source that is Jesus and draw from His strength and His leading. This doesn't mean we won't have struggles, but rather when we do, we will be anchored because we are connected to our life source - Jesus. 

Resilience teaches us to keep fighting, to keep pushing and we learn and experience this from the people we encounter in our lives. The lessons we get from Resilience might be from fighting illnesses or going through hard challenges in life. However, being resilient means not giving up. It's that will to fight, to keep pushing and through it all trusting in God.

We cannot do life on our own and we shouldn't even try. Our foundation is God, He is our strength when things are hard. So, we need to keep showing up even when life gets rough.

The truth is that life is precious, it's a gift. We can’t waste it by being trapped by fear and worry. However, what we can do is focus on each day, live each day as if it is our last and run our race with endurance.

In fact the bible says to run so as to win a prize, like an athlete. And to do that, to get to the finish line,  we should practice self-control. 

This is what we learn from 1 Corinthians 9:26-27. The apostle Paul says that though he might be preaching to others, preaching about Jesus and pursuing a godly life, if he doesn't watch himself he might fall. He might give in to temptation and be disqualified.

The warning here is to not give up our faith in the hardship of life, to not give into temptation and throw in the towel. As believers, we must Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, keep giving Him our struggles, stay in His word and hold tight to our first love (Him). We must not  give up. 

We all go through struggles, however, having struggles doesn’t make us bad people or bad Christians', it just means that we are human and in need of the one who created us to help us. We need God. He is the perfecter of our faith. He gives us the strength to go through whatever comes our way.

God is for us even when we go through the hardships of life, the most important thing to know is that He is there and He is with us. 

-        As believers we have witnesses cheering us on so we should not give up

-        We must get rid of the sin that holds us back on this race ( yes Jesus loves us as we are, but He doesn't want us to stay that way. We must get rid of sin and keep giving it to Him, this could be daily depending on our struggles. But no matter what, Just show up and say I'm here - I need you.

-        We must fix our eyes on Jesus. He will make us, He will carry us. 

A thought:

We should not be okay with just the thought of surviving. But we must want a life of being in His daily presence. We must aim to know and have a personal relationship with our heavenly Father. 

We must aim for the assurance and confidence in having the peace of God. That assurance that even when things are going wrong and it doesn't make sense, He is there. He is in control.

So, in running our race lets Expect the God of the impossible to step in. Lets have faith that He is going to give kingdom solutions. He is working it out and He is using you and I for His Kingdom.

Food for thought:

Are you running your race with the confidence that God is with you? That He is giving you Kingdom solutions or are you trusting in yourself and your own capabilities?

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