
Resilience Part 2 | To All The Martyrs


October 8, 2023 • Ps Tammy Hopkins • Revelation 12:10–13

As we continue with the series on Resilience, Pastor Tammy takes us through a thought provoking sermon on perseverance, overcoming obstacles and martyrdom. 

We are taught to be resilient so that we can overcome, but how can we do that when we are faced with so much adversary? Revelation 12 gives us some clues about how overcomers are RESILIENT.


Revelation 12:10-11 NKJV 

‘Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accused them before our God, day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.’


First way that we become resilient is to be:



Satan will accuse us and make us feel guilty and this in turn makes us STOP. He is an accuser, and that's what he is always doing, so it's important that we don’t try to fight him with our own strength. We don’t fight accusations with good works, because accusations will keep coming. The key is understanding the BLOOD OF THE LAMB. 

We need to stand firm on what Jesus did for us and focus on His works and not our own. We cannot overcome it by ourselves. Scripture teaches us that ‘They overcame him by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB.’ V11. That is how we overcome. We don’t fight with good works, we fight it with our identity in God. When we fight with our IDENTITY, instead of stopping we become CONSISTENT. Therefore, it's important that we don’t let ACCUSATIONS STOP us. Instead, we must live in the victory that what the devil is accusing us of is forgiven.

Too many we mess up or fall into sin, and then we struggle to get up again, we struggle with being resilient because we allow the accusations to make us stop instead of understanding that we are still the Children of God because of the Blood of the Lamb, we are accepted.   



Deception is everywhere. The devil is trying to drive out the truth from this world. He is trying to drive it out of schools, out of society, even out of the church. However, this should not make us scared, it should not make us silent. We learn that we can overcome through our testimony: That is our key.

Even scripture says that they: ‘Overcame him by the word of their testimony.’ V11.


o Their Testimony

The Greek word Marturia - the original meaning is that of a witness in a law court. Someone who has direct and personal experience of events in which he took part, or of persons he met, and testifies in court as to what he has seen or heard. 

Picture the scene:

Satan before God accusing us, and you step up and share your testimony, and the accusations are slashed. The TRUTH wins because of your confession.

A friend of yours struggling in their relationship with God because of challenges, and you share your testimony of how God got you through the difficult time, and your friend’s faith is renewed.

The TRUTH wins because of our confession. Our testimony is not just words, but it’s declaring, to everything unseen, what God has done, so our testimony becomes a power and a treasure, but we need to talk, confess.

The Greek word marturia comes from the word martyr. If we stand for truth, even for good works, we will experience Martyrdom in some way. Maybe that’s why we are so shy to speak - we know that something isn’t the truth, but we struggle to talk because there will be a cost.

However, If we remain silent, the deceit from the devil's kingdom advances and the truth of God's Kingdom diminishes. It's important to note that, we become resilient when we know and confess the truth to ourselves and those around us. 


Not only do we have ACCUSATIONS and DECEPTION against us but also VIOLENCE. 

Violence can make us shrink back and be satisfied with LESS THAN, we even become cynical. Trauma does that - violence does that. It makes us step away to find the safest place and stay there. However, we need to be courageous, we need to be strong and brave. Scripture teaches us that: The KEY is ‘They did not love their lives to death.’ 

No one is saying that we all need to go and do God’s work in the most dangerous places, but it means we need to be obedient without shrinking back and clinging to our lives. It is true that in the martyr we have the fullest practical token of that spirit of devotion to Christ which loves Him more than life itself; but the spirit of such devotion and such love has breathed in thousands who have never died the martyr's death, but who have devoted their lives to Him they loved. 

The martyr spirit needs not death to show itself; many lose their lives for Christ's sake who have never been called to lay down their lives for Him, and these, as truly as those who have passed away in the shroud of flame, have loved not their lives unto the death (Enduring Word).


Food For thought:  

- Accusation - Stop Or Be Consistent

- Deception - Silent Or Confess The Truth

- Violence - Shrink Back Or Be Courageous

Finally, John on Patmos: Revelation 12:11 ‘They overcame by the blood of the Lamb (He had witnessed Jesus’ blood running and the accusations yet he did not stop), by the Word of their testimony (He had testified of Jesus’ life and words, proclaiming the truth, against deception and recorded them, he was not silent), and did not love his life unto death (Jesus shares His revelations with John whilst on Patmos in captivity, and John receives it because in His trauma/violence, he did not shrink back)


Questions To Ponder On:

- Where are you? 

- Is the devil winning in your life? 

- Have you stopped, become silent or shrunk back?  

- Is it time to live the life Christ has called you too? 

-Is it time for you to be consistent, confess the truth and be courageous? 


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