

July 7, 2024 • Senior Pastor Scott Hobbs • Romans 4, Ephesians 2:8–9, Romans 10:9–10, Genesis 2:4, Psalm 33:6

This week, Senior Pastor Scott Hobbs tackled Romans 4, where Paul gives us a glimpse at what living a life of faith looks like and how to walk that out. We are able to see this faith-filled example in the story of Abraham, whose faith was a reflection of trusting the Father for something that seemed to be impossible in his life.

You may feel like there is so much that you need to do to be right with God, and the truth is that you can't get right with God on your own. Jesus puts us right with the Father. So what does God need? He just needs your yes! He doesn't need perfection. He doesn't you need to get it all right. He needs you to trust and follow Him!

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