
The Messiah Who Was, Is And Is To Come (Isaiah 40)

September 5, 2020

The messages in the book of Isaiah has dual and even multiple applications. Firstly, the prophet Isaiah addressed God’s Word to the people of his day in the Kingdom of Judah and the nearby countries. Secondly, he prophesised the first advent of the Messiah and His ministry. And thirdly, there are also passages that speaks of the second coming of the Lord.

With this understanding, there are prophecies in the book of Isaiah that have been fulfilled, and yet other parts that will be fully realized in the last days, the second coming of Christ, the Millennium, the new heaven and new earth.

As a person, he was full of conviction and yet, filled with compassion. He was a bold and uncompromising prophet. Jesus Himself, in Luke 4:18 referred to the words of Isaiah 61:1 when He said, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. We need the Spirit of the Lord in our life and ministry, as we follow our Master.