
Arise And Build

May 27, 2023

Nehemiah was a trusted cupbearer to the King of Persia (Nehemiah 1:11). He received report that Jerusalem was in ruins. The city walls had been torn down, the gates were burned, leaving the residents vulnerable to the enemy’s attack and invasion. There was no peace and no security. Nehemiah was heartbroken and desperate to see the hand of God move and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.


Today, we see devastation of false doctrines in the body of Christ. Spiritually-speaking, there are gaps in the walls of our churches. We need to proclaim that Jesus saves, heals, delivers, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again. That we are justified and sanctified by grace through faith, on the basis of the finished work of Jesus Christ at Calvary’s cross. It’s time for us to rise up and build the walls of sound Biblical doctrines.


In our life, our ministry and in serving the house of God, there are precious truths we can learn from the life of Nehemiah. For example, there are lessons about defeating distraction, discouragement and distress. Through prayer, Nehemiah responded to God’s call to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Although God is sovereign and omnipotent, He is looking for men and women with hearts who are broken and burdened to fulfil and finish His work. Today, there is so little anguish and agony in the house of God.


Do we experience the sorrow and pain of God’s heart over the sins, the backsliding and compromise in the church? Are we also grieving for lost souls and do all we can to reach them with the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ?


To accomplish the task that God has set before us, we need to know that He is the Master Builder. We are to keep in step with the Spirit, know the right timing and opportunity to move in faith and boldness. When Nehemiah stood before the king with sadness on his face to seek permission to build the walls of Jerusalem, it was in essence, a ‘live or die’ moment. Thank God for the king’s compassion and favour to grant Nehemiah’s heart desire to go to Jerusalem. Yet, there are people who opposed Nehemiah. Just because we are doing God’s work does not mean that it will always be smooth-sailing. We will be distracted, discouraged and distressed at times. We can face accusation, attack, intimidation and lies against us from people. We need to stand strong, secure and steadfast in finishing the task, and not allow opponents to shut us down. We need the Word of God and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to help us not react in the flesh in such times.


Nehemiah was a role model on handling criticism and misunderstanding. He did not let discouragement stop Him from obeying God and carrying out his responsibility. He kept building the wall. Today, we may face all kinds of distractions. Worldly pleasures and wrong relationships may divert our attention from fulfilling our calling. We are to stay the course and refused to be disturbed and disrupted.


When God called Nehemiah to rebuild the walls, there was a lack of resources and people thought that the task was going to take a long time. In spite of hindrances, Nehemiah fixed his eyes on the Lord with undivided commitment and complete this massive task in just 52 days.


Nehemiah’s motives and motivations are to give God all the glory and praise. It is all about God’s plans and purposes, not our ambitions. Once the walls were rebuilt and gates restored, Nehemiah planned to revive the authority of God’s Word in the land. Gatekeepers and musicians were appointed. Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s days is a picture of the church today. Like the Israelites, many Christians are spiritually apathetic and defeated. False doctrines, idolatry, worldliness, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life have become widespread throughout the body of Christ.


The church is a called-out body, separated from worldly culture. Separated but not isolated. We need to repent of our backsliding and disobedience. Ask the Lord to revive us, restore us, and set us apart for Him, to be light that shines in our dark and evil world.