
Experience Pentecost Now

June 17, 2023

The first Pentecost took place some 2,000 years ago. Throughout the church age, there has been moves and waves of the Holy Spirit.


In 1906, there was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Azusa Street, Los Angeles, USA. This is the birthplace of the Pentecostal movement that has spread all over the world. Since then, hundreds of millions of believers have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. In the midst of this move of God, there was a prophetic utterance that declared in the last days, there will be an overemphasis on:

·    Praise to a God we no longer pray to,

·    Power rather than righteousness, and

·    Spiritual gifts rather than the lordship of Christ.


We are to avoid these dangers and pitfalls. There are parts of the church that have become seeker-friendly, instead of Spirit-filled. Yes, we are to be sensitive to people, but we must first and foremost, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, but He is also a consuming fire. As we develop various means and methods of outreach in the church, let us not neglect the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit who still convicts sin, call for repentance and conform God’s righteousness in our lives. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and not grieve or quench Him in the process of drawing large crowds to our churches. In the Gospels, when Jesus said, “Follow Me”, it meant forsaking oneself and taking up one’s cross.


In the early church, the Apostle Peter preached a message that pricked the hearts of the hearers and saw 3,000 people saved. Peter’s sermon, under the work of the Holy Spirit, was convicting and hardly comfortable, yet it results in a harvest of conversion. Why? And how?


The key is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When we are sensitive and yield to the Holy Spirit in ministry, He will discern the hearts of the ones being ministered to better than any of us could expect, or at least in the way that He intends. Thank God for the Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit!


We need to allow the Holy Spirit to move in the House of God. A Spirit-filled church is a church that has a heartbeat for anointed worship. True worship is a lifestyle, not just an activity. It is more than simply turning up for church services, but is a reflection of loving “the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength... ” (Mark 12:30). We are called to experience not only the visitation of the Holy Spirit, but to be His habitation too, “In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22).


The House of God needs to be ignited with the Holy Spirit. We need a blast of wind, a blaze of fire. We need a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit today. Thank God for the first Pentecost in the early church, as recorded in the book of Acts. Thank God for the move of God throughout different periods of the church, especially the Azusa Street revival that birthed the worldwide Pentecostal movement at the turn of the 20th century. As we move ahead in this 21st century, we need a new Pentecost now.


We cry again for a sound from heaven, a rushing mighty wind. We want to see people being baptized in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking with other tongues, to be equipped for service in the Kingdom of God. We are called as a holy people and a royal priesthood.


Next, we are to be united with one accord in our hearts. In a world of racial and class divide, believers need to be united in love. We are the Body of Christ, one in communion and purpose with the Headship and Lordship of Jesus. At the same time, unity must be based on foundational and fundamental truth. The truth that Jesus saves, heals, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming again. The truth that all blessings comes through the cross of Christ! Unity does not mean conformity. We are one and united in Spirit, but with have different types of gifts and ministries.


A New Testament church is ignited with the fire of the Holy Spirit, is united in love, communion and purpose. It is also to sow and reap an expedited harvest of souls. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit for employment, not enjoyment. We are employed as laborers in His harvest field. We ask the Lord for open doors. Due to the pandemic, the last few years have been difficult with all the shut downs. It’s time to step up again to usher in the final hour harvest of souls. The power of the Holy Spirit will accelerate and expedite the fulfilling of the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.