
Transformed for Impact with Barrett Bowden

Barrett Bowden is the Lead Pastor of Island Community Church, a young, urban church in Downtown Memphis, Tennessee. On this podcast, we are committed to help you discover an authentic relationship with God and a passionate gospel purpose, both in your community and around the world. This podcast wil

54 - Race and the Gospel - Round Table Discussion

September 21, 2023 • Barrett Bowden, Steve Johnson, Jordan Frazier

Barrett Bowden (Lead Pastor, Island Community Church), Steve Johnson (Pastor, Kingdom Church), Michael Thomas (Campus Missionary, Kingdom Church), and Jordan Frazier (Church Planting Resident, Island Community Church) have a conversation around Race and the Gospel, reviewing the summer study at Island Community Church.

53 - Race and the Gospel - What is Gospel Unity?

July 12, 2023

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! This summer, we are diving headfirst into an important conversation at the intersection of race and the gospel. This week, Steve Johnson, Pastor of Kingdom Church, teaches through episode four of "Race and the Gospel." In this episode, Steve helps answer the question "What is Gospel Unity?"

52 - Race and the Gospel - What is Justice and Righteousness?

June 28, 2023 • Steve Johnson

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! This summer, we are diving headfirst into an important conversation at the intersection of race and the gospel. This week, Steve Johnson, Pastor of Kingdom Church, teaches through episode three of "Race and the Gospel." In this episode, Steve helps answer the question "What is Justice and Righteousness?"

51 - Race and the Gospel - What is the Dividing Wall of Hostility?

June 21, 2023 • Steve Johnson

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! This summer, we are diving headfirst into an important conversation at the intersection of race and the gospel. This week, Steve Johnson, Pastor of Kingdom Church, teaches through episode two of "Race and the Gospel." In this episode, Steve helps answer the question "What is the Dividing Wall of Hostility?"

50 - Race and the Gospel - Why Does Race or Ethnicity Matter to God?

June 14, 2023 • Steve Johnson

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! This summer, we are diving headfirst into an important conversation at the intersection of race and the gospel. This week, Steve Johnson, Pastor of Kingdom Church, teaches through episode one of "Race and the Gospel." This week, Steve helps answer the question "Why Does Race or Ethnicity Matter to God?"

49 - Rhythms of Health - Personal Planning: Choosing Less for More

July 27, 2022 • Micah Roeder

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! Today we will be wrapping up our series Rhythms of Health: Choosing Less for More. In this series, we have been exploring a biblical roadmap for what it looks like for each of us, including you, to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the hurry of the world we live in. We have used John Mark Comer's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" as a framework for this series. On this episode, you will have the opportunity to explore what it looks like for you personally to live a life that rejects hurry, and embraces Jesus. Thank you so much for joining us today! We hope this training benefits you greatly. Make sure you subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. We love you, and we hope to see you soon.

48 - Rhythms of Health - Practice Four: Slowing

July 20, 2022 • Barrett Bowden

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! Today we will be continuing our series Rhythms of Health: Choosing Less for More. In this series, we have been exploring a biblical roadmap for what it looks like for each of us, including you, to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the hurry of the world we live in. We are using John Mark Comer's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" as a framework for this series. On this episode, you will learn Comer's fourth and final practice for living a life that rejects hurry, and instead follows after Jesus: Slowing. Thank you so much for joining us today! We hope this training benefits you greatly today. Make sure you subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. We love you, and we hope to see you soon.

47 - Rhythms of Health - Practice Three: Simplicity

July 17, 2022 • Barrett Bowden

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! Today we will be continuing our series Rhythms of Health: Choosing Less for More. In this series, we have been exploring a biblical roadmap for what it looks like for each of us, including you, to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the hurry of the world we live in. We are using John Mark Comer's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" as a framework for this series. On this episode, you will learn Comer's third practice for living a life that rejects hurry, and instead follows after Jesus: Simplicity. Thank you so much for joining us today! We hope this training benefits you greatly today. Make sure you subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. We love you, and we hope to see you soon.

46 - Rhythms of Health: Interview with Jim Warberg

July 11, 2022 • Barrett Bowden, Jim Warberg

Welcome to Transformed for Impact! In this season at Island Community Church in Memphis, TN, we are having a conversation through our teaching series about spiritual habits. Ways that we can experience more of God's grace, and grow in his grace. These habits are a way for us to make a choice to be near Jesus, that we may experience Him and have a deeper relationship with Him. In this episode, we will be talking with a dear member and deacon of ICC, Jim Warberg, about the spiritual habit of reading the Bible. We hope his testimony will bring you hope, and ignite a desire to know God more through His Word. Make sure you subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. We love you, and hope to see you soon!

45 - Rhythms of Health - Practice Two: Sabbath

June 29, 2022 • Barrett Bowden • Deuteronomy 5:12–15, Mark 2:23–28, Genesis 2:1–3, Exodus 20:8–11

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! Today we will be continuing our series Rhythms of Health: Choosing Less for More. In this series, we have been exploring a biblical roadmap for what it looks like for each of us, including you, to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the hurry of the world we live in. We are using John Mark Comer's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" as a framework for this series. On this episode, you will learn Comer's second practice for living a life that rejects hurry, and instead follows after Jesus: Sabbath. Thank you so much for joining us today! We hope this training from the Scripture benefits you greatly today. Make sure you subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. We love you, and we hope to see you soon.

44 - Rhythms of Health - Practice One: Silence and Solitude

June 22, 2022 • Barrett Bowden • Matthew 3:16—4:3

Welcome to Transformed for Impact! Today we will be continuing our series Rhythms of Health: Choosing Less for More. In this series, we have been exploring a biblical roadmap for what it looks like for each of us, including you, to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the hurry of the world we live in. We are using John Mark Comer's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" as a framework for this series. On this episode, you will learn Comer's first practice for living a life that rejects hurry, and instead follows after Jesus: living in silence and solitude with Him. We hope you will subscribe to our podcast and leave us some feedback, so you never miss an episode of TFI. Thanks again for joining us! We love you, and hope to see you soon.

43 - Rhythms of Health - The Solution: The Easy Yoke

June 15, 2022 • Micah Roeder • Matthew 11:28–30

Welcome back to Transformed for Impact! Are you desiring to move toward a healthier, more fruitful rhythm of life? Today we continue our training series on Rhythms of Health: Choosing Less for More, where we are exploring a biblical roadmap for staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world. We are using John Mark Comer's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" throughout the summer, and each week we will be tracing his compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry in favor of a slower, simpler way of life: following the way of Jesus. We hope you enjoy part two of this study, as Micah Roeder of our ICC family helps us understand what it looks like to embrace the easy yoke of Jesus. As always, we encourage you to subscribe to TFI and leave a review, so you never miss an episode. We love you, and we hope to see you soon!

42 - Rhythms of Health - The Problem: Hurry

June 8, 2022 • Barrett Bowden

In this fourth season of Transformed for Impact, follow along with our Summer Wednesday study "Rhythms of Health" at Island Community Church. This 7-week series taught by Barrett Bowden and a couple special guests will walk us through John Mark Comer's "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry". You really won't want to miss this series, as we explore a biblical approach to health and wholeness in every facet of our lives. This week we address the problem: hurry. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you don't miss an episode, and leave a review. Your input is valuable to us. We love you, Jesus loves you, and we hope to see you soon.

41: Digging Deeper - Surrendering to the Purpose and Promise of God

November 29, 2021 • Barrett Bowden • 2 Samuel 23—24

Do you ever struggle with maintaining control? Do you ever struggle to completely release yourself and your plans into the hands of God? In this episode, we will discuss how to surrender to the purposes and promises of God. Late in David's life, he made a prideful and tragic mistake that most of us can relate to. Rather than trusting his success and future into God's care, he decided to put confidence in himself and take things into his own hands. God had to use his failure to teach him an important lesson in trust and surrender. As we follow Jesus, we must learn to choose (a deliberate act, a deliberate decision) to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God.” In this episode, you will learn more about how to make that choice in daily life with Jesus. You will discover five common barriers to this choice. Additionally, you will learn four pathways to make a consistent choice to release yourself to Him.

40: Digging Deeper - Learning to Stand in His Grace

November 22, 2021 • Barrett Bowden • 2 Samuel 22—23

In this episode, we are going to be talking about learning to stand in the grace of God. Once we know God's grace in salvation, how can we learn to stand (or continue) in that same grace of God in daily life? At the end of the book of 2 Samuel (Chapter 22), we are given a long song of King David, as well as a record of some of his last words. At the end of his long life with God and reign as king, David is reflecting over all the ways in which God has been faithful to Him. At the end of the day, he recognizes that his story is a story of God's redeeming grace. He does not point to his own success, but God's success. He does not in pride say "I have been such a great man" but "God has been such a great Savior." In the passage, David points to God and His grace. The purpose of this podcast today is help give you some practical ways in which you too can learn to stand in God's grace. David's song & last words reflect the end of a life of learning to stand in God's grace. He did not always do this perfectly. But he has learned. And we can too. In fact, we should. You will be encouraged and challenged by this reflection on 2 Samuel 22, Galatians 3, and some practical ways in which we can continue in the grace of God.