
41: Digging Deeper - Surrendering to the Purpose and Promise of God

November 29, 2021 • Barrett Bowden • 2 Samuel 23—24

Do you ever struggle with maintaining control? Do you ever struggle to completely release yourself and your plans into the hands of God? In this episode, we will discuss how to surrender to the purposes and promises of God. Late in David's life, he made a prideful and tragic mistake that most of us can relate to. Rather than trusting his success and future into God's care, he decided to put confidence in himself and take things into his own hands. God had to use his failure to teach him an important lesson in trust and surrender.

As we follow Jesus, we must learn to choose (a deliberate act, a deliberate decision) to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God.” In this episode, you will learn more about how to make that choice in daily life with Jesus. You will discover five common barriers to this choice. Additionally, you will learn four pathways to make a consistent choice to release yourself to Him.