
#2. Those who Mourn

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5

May 7, 2017 • Susan Kennedy

The pursuit of happiness is said to be the universal pursuit, but is lasting happiness even attainable? In Matthew 5:4 Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” But can the unhappy truly become happy? In this week's message Susan Kennedy continues our series with teaching Matthew 5:4 on those who mourn.

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Reflection Questions

- Have I been depending on happiness from the people around me, from my career or from outside activities instead of on God?
- Am I a true disciple? Am I willing to follow Christ in all areas of my life?
- Do I have unchecked sin in my life? A wrong that I’ve been ignoring?


- Matthew 5:1-2
- Matthew 5:3
- Matthew 5:4