The state of ones heart is something God constantly refers to in scripture, but why is God so concerned with our hearts? It's because all that we do, indeed all that we are, is a consequence of the state of our hearts. In this week's message Nick Seders continues our series with teaching from Matthew 5:8 on the pure in heart.
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Reflection Questions
- Is your heart pure, and do your actions prove it?
- Do you try to live in purity and righteousness apart from Christ?
- Have you been guarding the new heart that God gave you?
'Let this pure heart, the very Spirit of God that has been placed within you, be the source of your every thought and action.'
- Matthew 5:8
- Matthew 15:19
- Proverbs 4:23
- Ezekiel 35:25-26
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Titus 3:3-7
#7. Pure in Heart
The Beatitudes: Matthew 5
June 18, 2017 • Nick Seders
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The Beatitudes