
#9. Be Salt and Light

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5

July 9, 2017 • John Carrano

Have you ever added value to something? Maybe you stepped into a situation and because of you, something amazing happen. Jesus calls us to be the salt and light of the earth, but what does it actually mean to be salt and light? In this week's message Lead Pastor John Carrano closes our series with teaching from Matthew 5:13-16 on how to be salt and light.

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Reflection Questions

- How is God asking you to be salt? Have you begun to lose your saltiness?
- How is Christ inviting you to let your light shine?
- How is your heart? Are there any masks you need to remove?


- Daily work to keep your heart surrendered and aligned with the Father!
- Intentionally look for ways to be salt and light!


- Matthew 5:13-16