
#6. The Peacemakers

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5

June 11, 2017 • John Carrano

In Matthew 5:9 Jesus says 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.' Nobody really likes peacemaker. By making peace, ironically, it makes people upset but peacemaking is rooted in the grace that we have received from God and it’s a true indication of sonship and right relationship with God. Peacemakers continually fight for peace and unity in the Kingdom, but it's up to you to seek peace in every situation! In this week's message Lead Pastor John Carrano continues our series with teaching from Matthew 5:9 on the peacemakers.

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Reflection Questions

- Is there an area of your heart or soul that lacks peace? Surrender it now!
- Is there a situation you need to make right?
- How is God inviting you to be a peacemaker?


'Intentionally look for ways to be a peacemaker! Bring peace with you!'


- Matthew 5:1-2
- Matthew 5:9
- Colossians 3:15
- Hebrews 12:14
- James 3:18
- Proverbs 12:20
- Romans 12:18
- Psalm 34:14
- Galatians 5:22
- 1 Peter 3:11
- Philippians 4:7
- Psalm 29:11
- Romans 14:19
- Romans 12:18