
#4. Hunger and Thirst

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5

May 21, 2017 • John Carrano

Have you ever had an intense craving? Usually when we think of cravings we associate it with food, but Jesus challenges us to hunger and thirst for righteousness because whatever we hunger and thirst for is exactly what we will be filled with. In this week's message Lead Pastor John Carrano continues our series with teaching from Matthew 5:6 on being hungry and thirsty for righteousness.

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Reflection Questions

- What do you hunger and thirst for?
- What areas of your life do you need to surrender to Christ?
- Where is Father inviting you to step out in faith?


'Surrender your heart to Christ, and begin to hunger and thirst for the things of God. Step out in faith and obedience to allow Him to use you to love on the world around you! Be looking for specific opportunities to be salt and light!'


- Matthew 5:1-2
- Matthew 5:6
- 2 Chronicles 16:9