
Re Assembly Required Part 3

September 24, 2023 • Jason Ewart

If you have a wound, it will either get infected or it will heal. There’s no third option. The same

is true when someone sins against you. Your inner life will either heal, or it will get infected. But

there’s some misinformation about forgiveness that can keep us from practicing it. In this

message, we’ll address some common myths about forgiveness, and uncover exactly what

forgiveness is and how it works. Forgiveness is not minimizing the seriousness of the offense

(it’s important to acknowledge it’s a big deal). Forgiveness is not reconciliation (reconciliation is

not always available). Forgiveness isn’t a team sport. It’s a one player game. Forgiveness is not

forgetting what happened (it might be impossible to forget). Forgiveness is not a feeling, and it

is not fair. So, what is it? Forgiveness is a choice. And if you decide to make the choice, healing

will begin.