
Re Assembly Required Part 3

September 24, 2023 • Jason Ewart

If you have a wound, it will either get infected or it will heal. There’s no third option. The same

is true when someone sins against you. Your inner life will either heal, or it will get infected. But

there’s some misinformation about forgiveness that can keep us from practicing it. In this

message, we’ll address some common myths about forgiveness, and uncover exactly what

forgiveness is and how it works. Forgiveness is not minimizing the seriousness of the offense

(it’s important to acknowledge it’s a big deal). Forgiveness is not reconciliation (reconciliation is

not always available). Forgiveness isn’t a team sport. It’s a one player game. Forgiveness is not

forgetting what happened (it might be impossible to forget). Forgiveness is not a feeling, and it

is not fair. So, what is it? Forgiveness is a choice. And if you decide to make the choice, healing

will begin.

Re Assembly Required Part 6

October 15, 2023 • Jason Ewart

If a relationship will be brought to full reconciliation, it won’t happen until the (more) mature person decides to make a move in the direction of the relationship. As we wrap up the series, we’ll put together all of the steps we have covered, along with a new one, that are needed to bring the relationship back together. It includes forgiving from the heart, owning your slice, making the first move, and expressing forgiveness to people who apologize.

Re Assembly Required Part 5

October 8, 2023 • Jason Ewart

It’s easy for all of us to point out the wrong that someone else has done to us. It’s a little more challenging to point out the ways we have been wrong. But reconciliation only has a chance when you begin by identifying our owning your slice of the blame pie. You might be 50% responsible for the broken relationship. You might only be 5%. But restoration begins with owning your slice of the pie… and apologizing for it.

Re Assembly Required Part 4

October 1, 2023 • Sean O'Connell

Is reconciliation always a good idea? What about egregious sins? What about the people who have deeply hurt us and they’re not sorry that they did it? In the Bible we learn that there are some people are to be avoided – even after you forgive them. There’s an important distinction between forgiveness and reconciliation. Wise people let go of all resentment and anger to forgive. Wise people also recognize when to keep the walls high.