
Releasing The Weight


May 5, 2019 • Chris High

Forgiveness often leaves us feeling like justice has no been served. But what if our definition of forgiveness has been skewed?


What do you value about your mother?

How does our timeline for Justice differ from God's? How does that affect the way we handle conflict?

Without sharing their name, share about a time when someone did you wrong. How did you respond? Are you prone to dreaming about a revenge encounter?

Read Romans 12:17-19. Do you find comfort in this verse? Do you believe that God will avenge the wrong done to you? Do you believe God will make right the wrong done to you?

How can we as a group pray for what you have been carrying?

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A New Reality

May 12, 2019 • Chris High

Many times, we believe that forgiveness lacks justice, but what if God has a different definition of forgiveness? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Talk through the process of forgiveness. Which is a challenge or struggle for you? Reconciliation requires: Conversation Confession Repentance Restitution Do you accept the reality of forgiveness? Do you accept that He paid for it all?