
Daniel and the Lions Den


June 27, 2021 • Trent Horner • Daniel 6, Colossians 3:23, 1 John 1:7, Proverbs 3:5–6

When was the last time your faith was tested? Have you seen someone be faithful in the midst of difficulty or persecution? As we continue our series, BC, Trent Horner teaches us about faithfulness by examining the story of Daniel and the lion’s den in Daniel 6.


-Faithfulness stands out.

-Daniel had a track record of faithfulness. He was loyal and consistent.

-If someone were trying to dig up something against you, what would they find? How would they take you down?

-Faithfulness stands firm.

-When we are squeezed or pressed, what’s really inside comes out.

-Where are you prone to not stand firm in your life? Where do you lack faithfulness?

-Daniel’s decision about what to do when pressed was easy because the decision had already been made long before he was pressed.

-What are you committed to in life?

-If difficulty and persecution come your way, what will you do?

-Daniel had a track record of faithfulness, and yet, he still got thrown into the lion’s den.

-What are the things in your life that only make sense because you are a follower of Jesus?

-Sin never gets the last laugh.

-God’s faithfulness stands forever.

-Are you living a life that is devoted and dedicated to faith?

-Who is your community? Who are the people in your life that you practice the one another’s of Scripture with?


-Suggested Scripture Study: Daniel 6; Colossians 3:23; 1 John 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6

-Sermon: Adam and Eve

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