
Jacob and Wrestling with God


July 25, 2021 • Drew Greenway • Genesis 28:16, Genesis 32:22—33:5, 2 Corinthians 5:17, James 4:8, Psalm 34:18

Have you ever had an injury that caused you to walk with a limp? Experienced something in life that left a mark and changed you? As we continue our sermon series, BC, Drew Greenway teaches us about how wrestling with God gives us a new identity, intimacy, and humility as he examines the story of Jacob wrestling with God.


-It’s through the valleys in life that we grow the most.

-If you can worry about it you can pray about it.

-Wrestling with God gives new identity.

-It was when Jacob was finally alone that he experienced God’s presence.

-We worship a God who is willing to get in the mess with us.

-If your identity is in anything other than Christ, it is an idol. You are not your enneagram number, your sin struggle, or your accomplishments.

-Wrestling with God gives intimacy.

-Jacob’s encounter with God is the closest encounter with God in the entire Old Testament.

-Have you ever felt like God was distant?

-When you face hardship, you have two choices: run to God or run away from God. That’s it.

-To gain intimacy with God you must give up control.

-Wrestling with God gives humility.

-Only in the Christian life does surrender bring victory.

-God’s economy takes worldly wisdom and flips it on its head.

-What does God want you to surrender? What is He asking you to relinquish control of?

-Are you harboring bitterness toward someone? Are you running away from God?

-God may leave you limping toward Heaven so you aren’t running toward hell.

-Our wounds remind us of our identity in Christ.

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