
The Curse and Blessing of Wealth


October 24, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Ecclesiastes 5, 1 Timothy 6:9–10, Philippians 4:11–13, Matthew 6:19–21

Have you ever wanted to buy something that you didn’t have enough money for? Or, have you ever been able to buy something that you really wanted? What did you feel like in both of those situations? As we continue our series studying the book of Ecclesiastes, JP teaches through chapter 5, showing us a biblical perspective on wealth and what it can do to us.


-Jesus had more to say about money than any other topic other than the kingdom of God.

-Why is it that it’s easier to give away $1 when you have $10 than $1,000,000 when you have $10,000,000?

-How much money is enough for you? What number do you need to make each year?

-Wealth can be a curse.

-Simply put, wealth can complicate your life.

-Wealth can be a curse to your satisfaction. When you feed greed, it grows.

-If you are a Christian, being rich only comes with a high amount of responsibility.

-Wealth can curse your relationships. Are people your friend because of your money?

-Wealth can curse your sleep. You can have all the money in the world and not be able to turn off your mind and sleep.

-Wealth can be a curse to death. Many families have been torn apart because of wealth inherited after a death.

-Wealth can be a curse to your sanity. You can have a lot of money and lose your mind or your memory.

-Desiring to be wealthy and thinking it will make us better and happier is a lesson that most all of us can’t seem to learn.

-Wealth in an of itself is not bad. Every good and perfect gift is from God above.

-While Scripture doesn’t teach that poverty equates with godliness, most of us blow past the warning signs it teaches about wealth and prosperity.

-God can make wealth a blessing.

-Is Jesus enough for you? When you are hurt, hungry, alone, persecuted, or poor, is Jesus enough?

-The rich are better than the poor because while the poor think money will make them happier the rich know better. Those who are content are infinitely better than both.

-There are four categories of wealth in the Scripture: rich, poor, righteous rich, & righteous poor. Which are you?

-God has solicited and trusted you to play the role of His financial advisor. How are you doing at stewarding what He has given you?

-When deciding how to steward money, pray and consult your life group. If those feel like constraints and you are a Christian, they are the path to freedom. Constraints equal freedom for Christians.

-Don’t waste your wealth under the sun.

-You can’t take your money with you, but you can send it ahead and have it to your credit when you get there.

-Invest your wealth beyond the sun.

-The essence of having something in storage means you don’t need it.

-Read Matthew 6:19-21 in the next week and pray about what it looks like for you to obediently apply it in your life.

-Where do you need to change your perspective on wealth to align it with God’s perspective?

-Christians—based on God’s love and generosity—should be the most generous people on the planet.


-Suggested Scripture Study: Ecclesiastes 5; 1 Timothy 6:9-10; Philippians 4:11-13; Matthew 6:19-21

-Sermon: Better Together and Awful Alone.

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