
Wisdom in Words, Work, and Worship


November 21, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Ecclesiastes 10, Ecclesiastes 11, James 1:19, Colossians 3:23, 2 Thessalonians 3:6–8

While toddlers can be really funny with their actions and words, there is a big difference when adults do and say similar things. As we continue studying the book of Ecclesiastes, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches us what Scripture has to say about our words, work, and worship.


-Here are some descriptions of the tongue in Scripture: snake, fire, sword, world of evil, and full of deadly poison.

-Are you thoughtful with your words?

-The wise are slow with their words.

-Your tongue can eat you alive if you aren’t careful and thoughtful with your words.

-Your words always matter, and they matter even more when it comes to your family.

-You are never “safe” when it comes to speaking words that aren’t wise or gracious.

-The wise work hard no matter what while the foolish work based on how they feel.

-The wise are steadfast in their work.

-Many of our problems with work are because we let our feelings guide our work.

-Your laziness steals from yourself, and at times, it might even be stealing from your company.

-Don’t work so hard to provide for your family at the expense of your family.

-The world is not out of control, but it is out of your control. God is fully in control.

-The more you try to control the more you will worry and fear.

-The wise are surrendered in worship.

-When you have a right view of God you can worship instead of worry.

-It will not go well with you when your life is centered around yourself.

-Do your words, work, and worship look like that of an adult or a child?

-While children are often foolish, they have the one thing necessary to come to Jesus: need.

-Don’t try to clean up your mess before you come to God. Come to Him as you are and let Him clean you up.

-The only people who get into the Kingdom of God are the ones that know they shouldn’t.


-Suggested Scripture Study: Ecclesiastes 10:11-14; James 1:19; Ecclesiastes 10:20; Ecclesiastes 11:1-6; Colossians 3:23; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-8; Ecclesiastes 10:15; Ecclesiastes 11:5, 3:11, 8:7, 8:17, 9:12, 10:14; Matthew 19:13-14

-Sermon: Live Like You’re Dying

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