
Submitting to Authority


November 7, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Ecclesiastes 8, Romans 13:1–2, 1 Peter 2:13–14, John 6:60–66, Luke 5:3–5

Have you ever been in a position where an authority figure was telling or asking you to do something you didn’t want to do? As believers in Jesus, what should our response to authority be? As we continue studying the book of Ecclesiastes, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches us what our posture and response to authority should look like.


-We are called to submit to those in authority.

-As Christians, we should begin our approach to authority with humility, not hostility.

-Christians should be a joy to lead. Are you a joy to lead?

-If you don’t respect those in authority over you, that says more about your heart than it does their leadership.

-If you want to submit to God’s Word, you have to start by submitting to those in authority.

-Human authority will be unfair.

-Who do you fear more? Politicians, your boss, or the King of Kings?

-Believers should gladly follow authority unless the authority is asking you to sin or go against God’s Word.

-When you resist authority that is asking you to go against God, you need to do so while walking by the Spirit and modeling the fruit of the Spirit.

-The bar to resisting authority that is outlined in Scripture is a lot higher than we typically wish it were.

-God’s authority will seem unfair.

-God allowed Jesus to experience the most unfair thing in the history of the world in order to save you.

-Jesus said and did things that didn’t make sense to those around Him.

-As followers of Jesus, if He says so, we must trust and follow.

-Are you a joy to be led by Jesus?


-Suggested Scripture Study: Ecclesiastes 8; Romans 13:1-2; 1 Peter 2:13-14; John 6:60-66; Luke 5:3-5

-Sermon: A Wise Perspective in Problems

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