

7 Deadly Sins of Suburbia

January 9, 2022 • Jonathan Pokluda • Luke 10:38–42

Do you ever feel like your life is busy? What causes it to be that way? As we start a new series, The Seven Sins of Suburbia, JP addresses the sin of busyness by examining Mary and Martha in Luke 10.


-Busyness is the enemy of encouragement.

-What all could you put in the blank: Busyness is the enemy of ________.

-Here’s a secret: you will always have a lot to do. There will always be more to do than you have time for.

-How much do you like yourself and your life when you are busy?

-Jesus had friends. Have you ever considered that?

-Minister or ministry simply means to render aid to those in need. All Christian’s, regardless of where they work and get a paycheck, are called to ministry.

-Busyness is the enemy of focus.

-What is the work that only you can do? What are the things that only you can do?

-Don’t let the many things distract you from the one thing.

-You are the only one who is in charge of your relationship with Jesus.

-Busyness breeds a victim mentality. You are either for me or against me when I’m busy.

-Busyness is the enemy of empathy.

-People become distractions to your list of things to do when you are busy.

-Nobody cares how busy you are. No one.

-This is not an admonition to single moms. If you are a single mom, we are here for you! Let us know how we can help and serve you.

-The world will not crumble if you slow down and stop.

-Busyness is the enemy of peace and joy.

-The greatest antidote to “What if…” is to answer the question.

-If busy frustrates you, you have set yourself up for a life of frustration.

-When something comes at you that you didn’t expect, margin is a great thing. But more than margin, prioritization will help you more.

-There are things that won’t get done. Choose them carefully.

-“I have so much to do today that I will spend three hours in prayer in order to get it all done.” -Martin Luther

-If you want to see your kids go to an Ivy League school or play professional sports, but you don’t disciple them or teach them the Bible, that is a really, really bad trade.

-What you say no to will tell other people what is most important to you. People will remember what you say no to.

-Three of the big rocks we want you to prioritize at Harris Creek are attending corporate worship, serving, and meeting consistently with your Life Group.

-What are your personal big rocks? Your non-negotiables in life?


-Suggested Scripture study: Luke 10:38-42