

7 Deadly Sins of Suburbia

February 27, 2022 • Jonathan Pokluda • 1 John 2:15–17, Genesis 3:6, Matthew 6:24, James 4:4, Philippians 3:18–20

What do you want right now? In this moment as you read this, if you could have anything in the world, what do you want? As we finish our sermon series, 7 Deadly Sins of Suburbia, JP teaches about indulgence by studying 1 John 2:15-17.


-What do you turn to when you are stressed?

-What you want shows who you love.

-We love stuff and use people to get more stuff. This couldn’t be further from what the Bible teaches.

-A biblical worldview teaches us to use stuff to love people.

-You can either love the world or you can love God. You can not have or love both.

-You will either be full from the things of God and able to resist the world, or, you will be full from the things of this world and will resist the things of God.

-Wickedness comes from wanting worldly things.

-Satan is the little g god of this world. His one desire is to drag you out of a right relationship with God, and he uses the things of this world.

-What marks you? If those closest to you got asked about what’s important to you, what would they say?

-“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.” -C.S. Lewis

-Walking in the will of God is living for another world.

-As you walk with God, your wants and desires will align with His.

-Parenting is teaching kids what to do with their wants as well as teaching them what to want. Christianity is no different.

-If you take sin it will take you.


-Scripture to study: 1 John 2:15-17; Matthew 6:24; James 4:4; Philippians 3:18-20; Genesis 3:6; James 1:14-15; Psalm 37:4; Romans 12:2

-Sermon: Anger from Unforgiveness