

7 Deadly Sins of Suburbia

January 23, 2022 • Jonathan Pokluda • Luke 14, Philippians 2:3, 1 Peter 5:5, James 4:10, Luke 13:30

Has there ever been a time in your life when you were frustrated or complained because something didn’t make sense to you? Because you didn’t get what you wanted? As we continue our series, 7 Deadly Sins of Suburbia, JP teaches us about the sin of entitlement by studying Luke 14:1-14.


-What are things we feel entitled to? Comfort, health, time, food, money, safety, salvation, love…what is it for you?

-Want to know a sure fire way to know what you feel entitled to? What do you complain about? Whatever you complain about, that’s what you are entitled about.

-Don’t fall victim to a counterfeit version of Christianity and be OK with it.

-Should Christians ever take the best seat?

-Entitlement is focusing on what you deserve.

-As Christians, we are to use whatever God has entrusted us with to serve others.

-Discomfort kills entitlement. There is no comfortable solution to entitlement.

-Entitlement is the air we breathe. It impacts everything about us.

-For entitled people, it rarely feels like things are going their way.

-Entitlement leads to disappointment.

-Every disappointment you’ve ever experienced comes from your expectations.

-Entitled people are perpetually frustrated.

-You cannot be thankful for what you feel entitled to.

-Christians in America have a lot to be thankful for, and on the whole, we are terrible at being grateful for most of it.

-Want to grow in gratitude? Ask God to take away anything you aren’t grateful for.

-Grateful people always win. Entitled people always lose.

-We change entitlement by changing our perspective.

-What is your role in “the party” that is life? The host, or the guest? Make no mistake, as a Christian, it’s always the host.

-We are masters at manipulating the rules or the system in our favor.

-The Christian (or biblical) worldview says life on this world is a limited amount of time to serve as many people as you can serve before spending forever in heaven with God.

-All we actually deserve is hell. However, an infinitely good God gave us everything we need to be with Him through Christ.

-If something is true, even if no one around you lives or acts like it, it is still true.

-The gospel kills entitlement.

-Practicing gratitude kills entitlement.

-Ask people near you this week: am I a grateful person? Does gratitude mark my life?

-Ask God what you are entitled to.


-Suggested Scripture study: Luke 14:7-14; Philippians 2:3; 1 Peter 5:5; James 4:10; Luke 13:30; Mark 10:45; Philippians 2:6-8

-Sermon: Busyness