
The Fruit of Abiding

Harris Creek Baptist Church

January 14, 2024 • Jonathan Pokluda

What would most people say Christians do? Pray, read the Bible, make disciples, give generously, forgive, love, serve, go to church, and share the gospel. In our new series, “ABIDE”, JP looks to John 15 to focus our thoughts on a true disciple is one who abides in Jesus and fruit is produced. We also learn when we are pruned, bring it to God and trust him to teach you to abide in Him and bear more fruit.


John 15:1-8


The Father prunes fruitful branches

The Son produces fruit

The fruit of the Spirit proves a disciple


Life Group Questions:

Read Galatians 5:22 – 23 and share with your group what is easy fruit for you and what is hard fruit?

When was a time you experienced pruning and you felt so near to the Father learning to abide in Him?

What did God do in your life when you experienced pruning and produced more fruit?


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