
Listening to The Spirit

Harris Creek Baptist Church

February 4, 2024 • Dale Wallace

We can't abide without the Holy Spirit. Just after Jesus explains to his disciples He is leaving and tells them to remain connected to Him. Jesus explains that He will send the Spirit, and this will be our advantage. The Spirit of God helps, convicts, and guides us. 


In abiding the Spirit helps


In abiding the Spirit convicts 


In abiding the Spirit guides 


Life Group Discussion:

We need help even when we aren’t willing to receive it. Is it easy for you to receive help from the Holy Spirit or do you wrestle with pride?


Do you pause and listen to the Holy Spirit when you are in a meeting, in class, or with friends and respond in obedience to His leading? Share a time you were obedient and a time you failed.


Has it been a while since you stopped listening to the “ding” correcting you? Ask the Spirit to reveal truth to you and listen, so you can bear fruit.

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