
Our Story 2.0 - Priscilla & Aquila | Sermon 08/25/24

August 25, 2024 • Erik Miller • Acts 18:1–4, Acts 18:24–28, Acts 20:17–38

Priscilla & her husband Aquila, Jewish tentmakers exiled from Rome, had settled in Corinth when they met Paul. They opened their home, providing Paul with a place to stay and fellowship as fellow tentmakers. When Paul left Corinth to continue his mission work, Priscilla & Aquila went with him, eventually staying behind in Ephesus as leaders in the church there. Priscilla and Aquila helped Apollos understand the gospel of Jesus better and equipped him as another strong leader in the early church. Their friendship with Paul was deep and their commitment to the gospel was primary over their own safety and personal comfort. (Romans 16:3-4)

The hero of this story is God, who used Priscilla & Aquila in the spread of the gospel and the strengthening of the early church. By supporting Paul and teaching Apollos, – two prominent ministers for Christ - Priscilla & Aquila’s faithfulness was used by God to impact many. 

We might think the things we do to help Jesus and His church are too small to count. Every time we teach someone about Jesus, share our home or give help to another Christian, we help God’s kingdom grow. Jesus takes our acts of love and multiplies them for His glory and the growth of His people. 

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