
Our Story 2.0 - Mary Magdalene | Sermon 08/11/24

August 11, 2024 • Erik Miller • John 20:1–18

Mary Magdalene was among the inner circle of Jesus. Luke tells us that she and other women Jesus healed, traveled with Jesus and the 12 disciples using their own money to support Jesus’ ministry. (Luke 8:1-3) After Jesus’ disciples had all abandoned Him, Mary Magdalene, along with John and the other 2 Mary’s, remained at the cross continuing her support to the end. (Matthew 27:55-56).  And then, Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus alive! Jesus tasked her with telling the others that He was not dead, but alive. Still Jesus’ student, she obeyed her teacher’s instructions and told the disciples that she had indeed ‘seen the Lord’

The hero of this story is God who “delivered Mary from the dominion of darkness and transferred her into the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13-14) Jesus called to Mary by name, opening her eyes to His presence, turning her sorry into Joy and giving her the job of telling all the others about His resurrection.

We have the same Savior who calls to each of us by name and offers us His rescue and turns our sorrow into Joy! We get to share the same message that Mary did all those years ago. We get to share the hope and joy of the Gospel to everyone!

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