
Our Story 2.0 - Nicodemus | Sermon 8/18/24

August 18, 2024 • Erik Miller • John 3

As a member of the Jewish ruling council, Nicodemus would have much knowledge of the scriptures and God’s promises to send a rescuer for His people. But his knowledge lacked understanding and when Jesus came on the scene his curiosity overcame his fear enough to visit Jesus at night. Jesus’ answers to Nicodemus’ questions led to more questions, as Jesus sought to draw Nicodemus away from the inadequacy of his intellect, proclaiming to him the necessity of spiritual re-birth. Later in the gospel of John we see Nicodemus defending Jesus before his peers on the basis of Jewish law. John gives us one last glimpse into Nicodemus with his open act of reverence in providing the hundred pounds of myrrh and aloes with which the body of Jesus was embalmed (Joh 19:39) Finally Nicodemus is willing publicly associate with Jesus, the King of the Jews.

The Hero of this story is Jesus who met Nicodemus where he was at, challenging him to embrace the truth of Jesus identity and Nicodemus’ only source of righteousness and rescue. Although Jesus gave Nicodemus everything he needed to believe and be reborn, it took Nicodemus time to understand and be willing to commit to Jesus in a public way. Jesus helped Nicodemus when Nicodemus was afraid for people to know he was Jesus’ friend. 

Our own intellect is inadequate to lead us to Faith in Jesus and active obedience in following Him and sometimes it takes us time to fully grasp His character and His worth. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit to show us our need and to understand His sufficiency in meeting that need. Jesus’ keeps His promise to be found by all those who seek Him and to save all those who call on His name.

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